Humans vs. Life

Dig deep, try to find the courage escape the land of despair and de satisfaction  trough a bridge.One foot after the other slowly cross the river of sorrow and bitter tears of self doubt to enter the wonderland that happiness is. How many times have we thought of this bridge,the only hope, yet many obstacles…


Nothing like good music. Nothing is ever compatible to ever be paralleled with the effect of the sound. As there are people there are tastes,so there a lots of people with different ideas of music, however unlike everything else music is the only thing that completely satisfies every ones desire. Something so universal yet so…


It is the seek for ourselves that makes us wish to unravel a person never seen before,so different yet included in the society that takes us trough a road of uncertainty, self loath and dissaproval. What does identity mean? Do we live in our own worlds convinced that somehow we are exquisite and feel something…

What is beauty ?

What is art, what is beauty,what is creation,and why? Expression,what we believe in, what flows out of us that we materialize,I don’t know. Listening to music, what is that really,how do we know it and feel it? Feeling the need only to breathe or even forget that. Especially when our eyes are closed,what does this…

A small introduction to me

A white fassade, flickering lights, a blurred picture of the windows and ever so bright decorations.The lights that lined some name kept moving in different directions all so chaotic but unsharp. It had gotten dark, quickly I hadn’t noticed. I felt so focused on this building, people slowly leaving it, or see them moving around…